2025 Giving from the Heart

To all our members, Thank you for your dedication to our church and we are excited to share information about the “Giving from the Heart 2025” campaign that is taking place this fall. 

The goal of Giving from the Heart 2025 is to explain that the church is in serious need of additional donations in the coming year and to inspire our community to give throughout the year by sharing both the church’s needs and our personal giving stories. 

Starting this fall, Giving from the Heart 2025 aims to help you understand the role of giving in spiritual life, the importance of funding the church’s needs, and the need for additional giving by those who are able to do so. 

More information will appear during services, in our newsletters, and on social media. We will also be sending you a letter with a Promise Card in a week or two.  Completed cards will be collected during the Sunday services or can be mailed to the church throughout the fall. We will have a special dedication of our giving promises during our worship service on November 24th.

Please give this matter your prayerful consideration.


Links to Giving from the Heart 2025 videos (will take you to Greece UMC Facebook page):

Gary's Reason for Giving from the Heart

Karen's Reason for Giving from the Heart





Q: What is the financial need?

A: Over the past couple of years, we have consistently fallen short of our budget goals by about $20,000. The church's Trustees and Finance team have been making cost-saving changes, and we are raising funds, but we still need help to close the gap. With all of us working together, we can make a difference.


Q: Where does my money go when I donate?

A:  Giving from the heart 2025 is for our “Current Expenses” spending.  A separate Missions/Outreach appeal and spending plan funds cause our church not to be administered.

The money goes into the church’s Current Expenses general fund, which is overseen by our finance team. This money is used to care for the day-to-day operations of the church’s ministry and facility needs. Having a fully funded general budget fund allows us to have a full-time pastor and a well-maintained facility from which we can invite people in and go out into the community to live into our mission.

More detail:

Our ($300K) spending breaks down:

  • Pastor Salary, Benefits & Conference Mandates – 35%
  • Part-Time Saff (6 people: Music, Finance, Admin) – 22%
  • Office Services – 4%
  • Facility (Cleaning, Supplies, Insurance, Utilities, Upkeep, Snow, Waste) – 23%
  • Committees and Ministries (Materials) – 3%
  • Conference Support – 12%
  • Our Income Sources are:
  • Pledged and un-pledged donations to “current expenses” – 75%
  • Rent from Car A Lot daycare – 15%
  • Fundraisers – 4%


Q: How much money is needed / how much do you want from me?

A: We have been falling about $20,000 short of covering the approximately $300,000 we spend each year. Since 3/4 of our income is from member donations, an additional 10% from each giver would close the gap and let us continue to operate as we are.


Q: How can I get more details about the income and spending?

A: The 2024 income and spending plans and status reports are available on request. Information on the coming year will be available by the end of October. 

Details were presented during the potluck brunch after the joint service on October 6th. A video version of that presentation and printed handouts are available.  

The Finance Team will provide additional details, ask.


Q: Why is the church consistently falling short of the budget? 

A: Over the past few years, the costs to maintain our facilities and fund our ministry goals have increased. This, along with the reality that some of our church members have passed away or moved away, means that we have higher costs and fewer people contributing.


Q: Do we have any reserve funds? 

A:  Yes, but they are limited and, in some cases, designated for specific things.  Over the past three years, we have used much of our unencumbered reserve money to cover the gap in our budget – to the point where those funds are no longer available to help cover general budget costs. 


Q:  I have been giving regularly for years.  Why do you want me to turn in a Promise / Pledge card?

A: Pledge card or not, what a person gives, and how they view the associated commitment between them and God.  God will not punish someone who sets a goal and fails to meet it.  There is always uncertainty, and there is always grace.

A completed Promise / Pledge card helps our church estimate its donation income for the coming year, ensuring that our staffing, ministry, and maintenance plans can be achieved gracefully.

A traditional function of the church finance process is keeping track of who donates and what amount.   As a service, donation status is reported to the donor so that they can confirm that the donation was received.  If there is a Pledge, the donor can see how things stand.

The church is not in the business of judging donors' performance relative to their commitment, and donors will not be contacted regarding an “unpaid balance.”


Q: Why do we need to pay for the upkeep of the building?


  • It provides the space for the Sunday gathering. 
  • It serves as a focus for church life and teaching at other times.
  • It is where the Pastor can be found.
  • It is where the information can be found.
  • It is where people can gather for both routine and special occasions.
  • It is a symbol of God’s presence in our town.
  • Its spaces support other essential community organizations. (Fees from users also help pay the bills.)
  • Maintaining the building and the grounds is a way for members to serve.